Social media is an illusion, I bet I don’t have to tell you that. You either already know about this or must have seen it play out in more than one way. It’s the one place where humans can shape other people’s perception of their realities. People let you see...

One of the things I enjoy most is picking Lee from school. I love the 10 minutes conversation that ensues on our drive back home. I love it. It’s an opportunity to get to learn about his day; who fell on the playground, who didn’t wear their masks or face...

Every year, I try to write a letter to Lee, this year, I am writing to Livy too. If you want to read the previous ones, here are the links 1, 2, 3. The King is 4 and the Queen is 1.5. I can’t believe it’s been this long. The...

I have been thinking about brand loyalty for a while now and I thought I’d share some rough thoughts about this. Nothing ground breaking, but one that I think most businesses can begin to apply if they have the right tools. Let’s start with the Loyalty Loyalty Brand loyalty is...

You can’t even fail in peace in Nigeria, maybe Africa. Everyone and their mum will come with a pitchfork and their armchair analysis. Reminding you of what you could have done and couldn’t have done. It’s sad to watch. Many years ago at Konga, the competition took a misstep and...