
You can’t even fail in peace in Nigeria, maybe Africa. Everyone and their mum will come with a pitchfork and their armchair analysis. Reminding you of what you could have done and couldn’t have done. It’s sad to watch.

Many years ago at Konga, the competition took a misstep and things didn’t turn out well for them. I can’t really remember exactly whether it was a business problem or an engineering problem. Well, when we learnt of it, my colleagues and I somehow had a good laugh about it.

Sim heard about it and wasn’t exactly pleased. Even though they were competition, we were all navigating uncharted territories filled with landmines. So celebrating the misfortune of another person was the last thing he wanted.

I was stunned. Isn’t this the reason we go to “war” daily? Why shouldn’t we celebrate our tiny victories against our “enemies.” He didn’t see it that way, he had an entirely different view about it.

That was the day I heard the word “schadenfreude.” It was a teachable moment in empathy and just general decency as humans.

Building is hard, building in places with almost no support, scares human capital, financing and infrastructure are 10x harder.

2020 has been a rough year for a good number of businesses. In most cases it had nothing to do with the business model itself, it’s just the harsh reality of what the world is going through. It’s tough, it’s rough for a lot of people and their businesses. So be kind.

As you begin this week, remind yourself that your words can hurt and your words are powerful. Use it well. Don’t use it to hurt the next person.

It’s hard on a lot of people. Always remember that you don’t have the full story. Even when you think you have an “insider.” Understand that your “insider” too doesn’t have the full story.

Take care of yourself and each other, remember we are all winging this thing.

We all don’t know what we are doing

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Celestine Omin



Celestine Omin

On Software, life and everything in-between

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