My Dearest Lee,
I typically write you these open letters every year on your birthday, but this year, I wasn’t up to it. I wanted to write this when I have my head is a good space, but Uncle OO said I should maintain the streak. So, I will try and scribble something
Happy, happy birthday, my sweet boy! Today marks the incredible milestone of seven wonderful years since you came into our lives, bringing immeasurable joy, laughter, and love. As I sit down to write this letter, my heart swells with pride and gratitude for the amazing person you are becoming.
It feels like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time, marveling at your tiny fingers and delicate features. Now, here you are, a vibrant 7-year-old with a personality as bright as the sun. Watching you grow has been the greatest privilege of my life, and I cherish every moment we’ve shared.
Lee, your kindness and compassion shine through in everything you do. You have a heart that’s big enough to embrace the world, and I’m continually inspired by your ability to show empathy and understanding. Your kindness towards others, be it friends, family, or even furry friends, makes me incredibly proud to be your parent.
I’ve watched you overcome challenges and celebrate triumphs, each one shaping you into the remarkable person you are today. Your resilience is admirable, and I have no doubt that you will continue to face life’s adventures with the same determination and spirit that you’ve shown so far.
This year has been full of exciting adventures, new discoveries, and countless expressions of your unique spirit. Your curiosity knows no bounds(from getting into Marvel comics to explorinig the wonderful world of Justice League), and it fills my heart with joy to see your eyes light up with wonder at the world around you. Whether it’s exploring the outdoors, learning new things at school, or playing with your friends, your enthusiasm is contagious.
As always, let’s recount the milestones;
You are a lot more capable and daring than you were last year. From active participation in your swimming lessons to gaining some good mastery on your drawing skills. I am constantly impressed by the art work you churn out. Well done son, well done.
This year, you got finally got a room of your own, and watching you take care of your belongings makes my heart glow. It’s a testament to the fact that you’re watching me and learning incredibly fast.
Your cycling skill is a 100x better. Which brings me to my next point; you need a new bike.
It’s also beautiful to see you play big brother to your sister; Livy. I honestly admire the relationship you two share and I can only pray that the bond wax stronger.
You are in year 2, and you are learning a lot. You are learning how to play the clarinet, how to draw better and master your strokes while in the swimming pool. For reasons best known to you, you decided to join the cultural group in school. It fills my heart with so much joy each time I see you play the talking drum.
I like that you can now blend with other kids, express yourself and your interpersonal relationship skills are a lot better. I like that you’re super observant and you don’t shy away from subjects that are beyond your comprehension.
Boy, you ask a LOOOOT of questions. You question everything. You favourite word is WHY? You are always tinkering with things and always questioning the WHY behind them. I really love that about you. And unbeknownst to you, you challenge me too to ask WHY?
This year, you won the 3rd all round best for your class and level. This is a major improvement from winning best in a particular subject. Congratulations. But before you get carried away, I want you to aim for ALL ROUND BEST student for your class and level. You can do it. You just need to apply yourself.
God has been faithful. You have enjoyed sound health all year round, aside a few cold here and there and needle pricks, you have been doing super well healthwise.
Spiritual growth.
I like that you love the church and everything that concerns God. I like how you lead our daily devotion on our morning drive to school. You have been an incredible role model to your sister. It’s always amusing to watch both of you argue out who should pray first. I really love that.
My prayer is that God grants me wisdom to continue to lead you down this path.
Lee, a ton has been written about child care and honestly, I am still figuring out parenting. Your mum and I will keep doing what we can to raise and your sister right. We will provide you both with all the opportunities to be the best versions of yourselves.
Hello there
I have spent a few years on this place called earth, I will try and share with you what I have learned during this time:
- Work hard. There is absolutely no substitute for this. While there is such a thing as luck, but the harder you work, the luckier you will get. Put in the work.
- God. Keep God at the centre of all you do. It’s impossible to go through life without God.
- Relationship. This is one of life’s best gifts to us. Keep and maintain a healthy relationship with people. And when you get into one, don’t abuse it. Don’t take undue advantage of it. Seek to contribute more than you take. Don’t become a parasite.
- Fairness and Equity. Treat people first as humans, irrespective of their social standing. Be fair and just in all your dealings. Do unto them, what you will like to be done to you. I can’t stress this enough, respect everyone.
- Mistakes. There will always be mistakes. You will make them, consciously and unconsciously. But when you make them, learn from the experience and move on. Don’t dwell too much on it. Never accept a pity party. NEVER.
- Peer pressure. We will do our best to show you the right way, don’t deviate from it. Don’t let anyone make you do what you know doesn’t align with your values as a person. Be your own man.
- Finances. Keep an eye on your finances. Always SAVE. You will always need it.
- Emotions. Watch your temperament. I haven’t done much of a great job here myself, but thanks to your mum, I am learning a lot from her. When you get angry, watch what you say. Never let anger get the best of you. There are always consequences when you can’t put your emotions in check.
- Passion. Follow your passion, this will be your one true source of happiness.
As you blow out the candles on your cake this year, know that each flame represents a wish for your happiness, health, and success in the years to come. May your journey be filled with laughter, love, and all the dreams your heart desires.
Thank you for being the incredible, unique, and utterly lovable individual you are, Lee. You have brought immeasurable joy to our lives, and I feel privileged to be your parent. I look forward to watching you grow, learn, and achieve great things in the years ahead.
Happy 7th birthday, my darling Lee. Here’s to another year of adventure, growth, and countless precious moments together.
With all my love, dad
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